Everyday Scenes: A Series

Elle Maed
Yours, Truly
Published in
Jan 24, 2022


A workshop journal of Elle Maed that just so happens to be public

Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

In an effort to regain inspiration and relieve the ‘trapped’ feeling that’s coming alongside my attempts to finish my first novel, I am starting a new series.

Despite the title, Everyday Scenes is not always going to be scenes that you may just happen to walk by at any given time; rather, the title is a reference to my goal itself. For the foreseeable future, I will try writing a scene every day, and publishing it here on Medium.

The writing may not always be stellar, but quite honestly that’s not the point; the point is to jog that creative part of my brain, that part that’s chaotic and passionate and oh so excited to WRITE.

I miss that part of my brain.

So, without further ado, enjoy!



Elle Maed
Yours, Truly

Writer. Aspiring author. Student of the universe. Current project: YA fantasy novel ✨ insta @ellemaedwrites